Is European Defence Sector The Key Enabler For Renewable future?
Ljubljana, EDA Chief Executive in Slovenia for talks on RESHUB PROJECT, First defence-energy project developed in Consultation Forum RESHUB a Slovenian MOD led project supported by EDA with a view to improving energy efficiency in the defence sector, and was prepared on a basis of Zero emission Mobility Corridor Slovenia. “RESHUB”, which stands for ‘Defence RESilience Hub Network in Europe’, is a project conceived and led by the Slovenian Ministry of Defence under the Consultation Forum on Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector (CF SEDSS) which is currently in its third phase. Other participating countries in the project are Austria, Belgium, Germany and Hungary. The aim of RESHUB is to help build a renewable energy harvesting and hydrogen (H2) energy storage capability and to facilitate cross-Europe transportation, which will lower CO2 emissions and contribute to energy sustainability in the EU defence and security sector. EDA was instrumental in…
Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Europe Energy Conference 2019, Grand Hotel Bernadin Portorož
Portorož, Slovenia, Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Europe Energy Conference 2019, Grand Hotel Bernadin Portorož Project “ZERO EMISSION MOBILITY CORRIDOR – SLOVENIA” (ZEMC-S) enabled by HYDROGEN Learn about sector integration by utilizing Hydrogen in the ZEMC-S project, which is supported by the Slovenian Government and could serve as nucleus for similar hydrogen applications throughout the region. Discuss with technology leaders how to secure appropriate technologies for this unique elaborated concept as a basis for a solid business model. Meet with high-ranking representatives: Governmental and project stakeholders will be talking about challenges and opportunities of Zero Emission Technologies. This will be followed by Ecubes introducing their ZEMC-S project and further experts informing about related hydrogen technologies and applications in the energy system and in other sectors. The ZEMC-S session is a key element within the MHPS Energy Conference 2019. You are Welcome to send Your Inquiry to
Third Conference: Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector Phase II (CF SEDSS II) – Nicosia, Cyprus (26/27 February 2019)
Nicosia, Cyprus, Third Conference: Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector Phase II (CF SEDSS II) – Nicosia, Cyprus (26/27 February 2019) ECUBES & MOD: Zero Emission Mobility Corridor & RES HUB project; Historical electrification of transport as the Key enabler for renewables to penetrate to the power mix, opportunity by defence sector for renewable european future.
Second Conference: Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector Phase II (CF SEDSS II) – Warsaw, Poland (16/17 October 2018).
Warshaw, Poland, ECUBES & MORS: Zero Emission Mobility Corridor & RES HUB project: Histrorical electrification of transport as the Key enabler for renewables implementation without subsidies. Defence sector moving towards renewables and electric transport
2018 Asian Games to demonstrate a hydrogen-enabled zero-emission transport future
London, Ecubes Arcola, has delivered hydrogen-powered electric vehicles to Jakabaring Sports City, Palembang to demonstrate the zero emission mobility technology during the 2018 Asian Games, being held in Jakarta and Palembang, Indonesia, from 18th August – 2nd September. Supported by Imperial College, one of the world’s top ten universities, Ecubes Arcola will also be running a 3 week-long education roadshow in Indonesian cities, providing hands-on technology workshops for over 1,000 young people in South Sumatra & Java, plus open-access engagement for all visitors to Jakabaring Sports City, home to many of the Asian Games venues. This programme is part of a wider Ecubes Arcola strategy to delivery hydrogen-powered, clean energy infrastructure across the region via complementary projects across the power generation and supply and transport sectors, based on the technology. For more information, please read the Press Release
Slovenia, Slovenian government is supporting ECUBES ARCOLA’s development project to deliver infrastructure for Zero emission mobility, where hydrogen technologies will play central role. The proposed project in Slovenia will deliver 16 hydrogen clusters with total capacity of 32 MW of elecrolyser hydrogen generation and fleet of over 1000 hydrogen vehicles. The Feasibility Study for the project is underway and, if satisfactory, investment will be completed in 2023. PM Cabinet State Secretary Tadej Slapnik said: This project is proposing solutions for the transition to a renewable energy and clean mobility future for Slovenia. Clean transport, stable and affordable power supply, clean air and decarbonisation of the economy are strategic priorities of the Slovenian Government. In the Slovenian Energy Policy, hydrogen has already been identified as having a strategic role. Bojan Zlender, director of directorate for transportation at Ministry for Infrastructure said: In Slovenian transportation strategy action plan we have hydrogen as alternive fuel…
ECUBES ARCOLA launches 25 year programme in South Sumatra.
London, Aligned with COP23, on 14th November 2017 at Her Majesty’s Treasury London: political leaders from South Sumatra Indonesia met with UK government representatives at the launch of a 25 year business and research collaboration on zero emission mobility & low carbon energy between the Province of South Sumatra and UK infrastructure innovator Ecubes Arcola. The Governor of South Sumatra Alex Noerdin and Regent of Muba Regency Dodi Reza met with Foriegn Office Minister Rt Hon Mark Field MP and the Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Indonesia Richard Graham MP in the historic Churchill Room at the Treasury at the event hosted by Ecubes Arcola. With engineering suppliers in the UK and PT-PP, a leading Indonesian state-owned construction and investment company, Arcola Ecubes will deliver a rolling 25-year programme of clean and low carbon infrastructure projects in power generation and mobility. The first two projects announced will be hydrogen zero…
Asian Games 2018 – ECUBES ARCOLA zero emission mobility, energy storage, low carbon and renewable energy project for Asian Games 2018 presented to Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla.
Jakarta, Palembang, Asian Games 2018 – ECUBES ARCOLA zero emission mobility, energy storage, low carbon and renewable energy project for Asian Games 2018 presented to Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla. After reviewing a number of venues and infrastructure for the Asian Games 2018, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Jusuf “JK” Kalla held a closed meeting (Rapat Terbatas) on Saturday (08/04/2017). (By Masdian Diasto) JK conduct a closed The meeting was meeting to discuss preparations for the Asian Games in 2018; it included the along with Minister of Youth & Sports Imam Nachrawi, Governor of South Sumatra Alex Noerdin, President of National Olympic Committee (KOI) Erik Tohir, President of Indonesia National Sports Committee (KONI) Tono Suratman, President of ECUBES ARCOLA Aleksander Gerbec and other officials delegates. This closed meeting that runs focus on discussing the readiness of fFacilities and infrastructure discussed, which will be used during the implementation of…
New Hydrogen Council – How Hydrogen Enpowers Energy Transition
Davos, New Hydrogen Council – How Hydrogen Enpowers Energy Transition – Thirteen leading energy, transport and industry companies have today launched a global initiative to voice a united vision and long-term ambition for hydrogen to foster the energy transition. Council members have formed the Hydrogen Council to both underpin and leverage the enabling role of hydrogen. This partnership of 13 players from various industry and energy sectors with global reach is committed to providing guidance to accelerate and expand the deployment of hydrogen and fuel cell solutions around the world. Council Members are inviting governments and key society stakeholders to also acknowledge the contribution of hydrogen to the energy transition and to work with and to create an effective implementation plan – so that the compelling benefits of hydrogen deployment can be reaped. In the first global initiative of its kind, the ‘Hydrogen Council’ is determined to position hydrogen among the…