User requirements: clean energy and hydrogen energy storage – is European Defence sector setting new standards for European clean energy future just by defining user requirements ?


RESHUB project – For the first time in the history of EU, a defence-energy project is given access to EU funding with the help of EDA.

‘RESHUB’, a Slovenian-led project supported by EDA with a view to improving energy efficiency in the defence sector, has been awarded EU funding (€310,000) under the Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP) of the European Commission. It is the first time a defence-energy project is given access to EU funding with the help of EDA.

The project was prepared by the Slovenian Ministry of Defense as part of the Consultative Forum on Sustainable Energy in the Defense and Security Sector, organized by the European Defense Agency (EDA) in cooperation with the EU Directorate-General for Energy and based on the ZERO EMISSION MOBILITY CORRIDOR SLOVENIA ZEMC-S project developed by ECUBES Technology.

EDA was instrumental in helping participating Member States prepare and draft the RESHUB application following a call for SRSP applications issued by the Commission. RESHUB is a project conceived and led by the Slovenian Ministry of Defence under the Consultation Forum on Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector (CF SEDSS) which is currently in its third phase.

Other participating countries in the project are Austria, Belgium, Germany and Hungary. It is the first time a defence-energy project is given access to EU funding with the help of EDA.

The project is part of the EU’s goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. The EU is aiming for zero-emissions buildings and the protection of renewable energy infrastructure in the defence sector, and has developed new funding methods to achieve these objectives.
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